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- Change and GrowthBy Hayk TadesvoyanOct. 27, 2020Little throwback moment to my first Time Trial race. – this was an important lesson about change and growth. Although cycling was never a part of my fitness life growing up it has recently really grown on me. On the subject of growth- it is extremely important to try new things as it’s Read MoreNo Comments
- Givers Have MoreBy Hayk TadesvoyanOct. 14, 2020Two weeks ago I was asked to share some business best practices on a conference call with a group of business owners in Hawaii. Today I received this nice surprise in the mail. Although I never help conditionally, it’s something I have allot of passion for and really find joy in bringing value to Read MoreNo Comments
- You Find What You SeekBy Hayk TadesvoyanSep. 24, 2020This happened at my favorite drive thru coffee stand. Monday is my favorite day of the week – it’s my family Day, that’s the day I dont work, I don’t take any calls and “try” to avoid training. My Mondays are dedicated to my family and one family activity that we have consistently done is our Read MoreNo Comments
- What Makes a Kind PersonBy Hayk TadesvoyanSep. 23, 2020Once I was asked what makes a kind person? I honestly had no answer so we discussed this question and our conclusion was – a kind person is one who is unconditionally kind to people they don’t have to be kind to. If you think about it – you have to be kind to your loved ones, you are Read MoreNo Comments
- Do What You Have Never DoneBy Hayk TadesvoyanJul. 28, 2020I remember eleven years ago when I was broke and hopeless but at the same time hungry and determined – one of the corporate coaches that was helping me during an internship before I started my insurance business said. “To be where you have never been you must do what you have never done”. It Read MoreNo Comments
- Yesterday’s Home Runs Don’t Win Today’s Games.By Hayk TadesvoyanJul. 20, 2020Here is a reminder to start off the week with a bit more awareness about winning the day. Most great lessons are not new, often great lessons find their way back to our attention- in different ways. This was one of them for me today. This is a reminder that we continuously need to sharpen our axe 🪓 Read MoreNo Comments
- Don’t Feed Crap To Your MindBy Hayk TadesvoyanJul. 10, 2020Mind works exactly same as our body. You feed it crap it starts looking and functioning like crap, you feed it with healthy and balanced nutrients it starts looking and functioning like a well oiled machine. The unfortunate truth about maintaining a healthy mindset especially right now is media and Read MoreNo Comments
- Materials Possessions That We Don’t NeedBy Hayk TadesvoyanJul. 6, 2020There is truth and false to this saying that has been exaggerated over the last decade. The truth is there are plenty of people that do buy material possession for the wrong reasons such as – to impress, show off and often to fill a void in their hearts. Especially the last 10 years with the Read MoreNo Comments
- Be PositiveBy Hayk TadesvoyanJun. 25, 2020Simple challenges are the ones we act upon as I’ve been guilty of building too complex of plans only to let the intimidation of the plans complexity scared me away. Here is a simple one. Be the most positive person in the room for one ☝️ day. 🧠 Mentally prepare today and really do your best with Read MoreNo Comments
- Coronavirus – what does it really mean to youBy Hayk TadesvoyanMay. 7, 2020Just few months ago if you told me that my wife and I would go to the store looking like Sub Zero from Mortal Combat and it would be a normal thing, we would have an argument 😡. In such a short time so much changed in the way we work, interact, shop, think and live, heck a friend of mine just got a Read MoreNo Comments
TIME – Today’s Importance of My Efforts
By Hayk TadesvoyanMar. 3, 2020T.I.M.E. – Today’s Importance of My Efforts. Today– what’s the significance of today? Why is it important to do what can be done today and not let it wait till tomorrow? Future fear is a big driver of today’s worry in our society and I’m no exception to this. We are so afraid of what might happen Read MoreNo CommentsHow To Make Diamonds
By Hayk TadesvoyanFeb. 8, 2019There are many definitions to discipline. on the 2nd definition which I liked more than all the other definitions I looks up says: activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training: Activity, exercise, regimen, refine, improvement, skill, training, Read MoreNo Comments
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Busy or Productive? Wh…
By Hayk TadesvoyanFeb. 8, 2019Bad Addictions – painf…
By Hayk TadesvoyanFeb. 8, 2019STOP Giving to Takers
By Hayk TadesvoyanFeb. 7, 2019Good Advice VS Bad Adv…
By Hayk TadesvoyanJul. 2, 2016Life is Not a Race! Is…
By Hayk TadesvoyanJun. 1, 2016Mind Control: Why your…
By Hayk TadesvoyanMay. 26, 2016
- Busy or Productive? What’s the Diff…Well being busy and being productive are two very same yet very different factors that correlate. I heard a saying and I’m most likely not saying it More
- Bad Addictions – painful progressWanting the next thing and wanting progress over time gets us addicted to starting things, getting passionate while in the progress but never More